The Journey Began

w2Weight loss…You may be asking yourself why there is information about weight loss on a website called MaritalMinutes. The answer is very simple: Marriage is not about “me” but about “we”.  One of the biggest challenges I have had in my life is with my weight. My weight loss journey is something that my husband supported me with.

When I look at the pictures to my left I can’t help but think “I cannot believe it”. I cannot believe that is me. When I look at that picture all I feel is pain. No one realizes that your weight affects everything. It affects your relationships, your personality, your confidence, and obviously your health.

I struggled with my weight from the time I was a little girl. The highest weight I am aware of (I say aware of because I never weighed myself) was 288 pounds. I tried every diet I heard of and my weight went up and down for years.

Four years ago I do not know what happened. One day I woke up and decided it was time – it was time to lose weight. I was tired of feeling horrible about myself, and feeling all around miserable. I told my husband about my goal and he was very supportive throughout the process, but he did not partake in my weight loss journey.

I did not lose weight overnight – it was a process. It took me approximately one and a half years to reach my target weight.  When people asked me how I was losing weight they were shocked when I did not name a specific diet – I was not following one. I was doing my own thing.

I am sharing my story with you because I want you to find the motivation and strength to reach your weight loss goals. I want you to feel as good as I do and I want the pain that you feel to go away. I am going to continue to write about my journey on this blog and provide you with tips and tricks that worked for me. Remember, I am not a medical doctor (you should consult with your doctor before dieting) I am just a women who wants to help.

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