The Person You Think You Want May Not Be the One You Need

Gina_2002 (4 of 5)Recently I was speaking with a woman who was getting married in a week. She was very excited discussing the plans for the reception. I was very happy for her because she seems as if she truly found the “one”. During the conversation she asked how I met my husband.

My husband and I met in college. We had different majors, but happened to cross paths in a science class (astronomy to be exact). Our first astronomy class came and went, but in the second class I noticed this guy looking at me, but I did not say anything and went about my business. When the third class came I was asked to sit by him and his friends. A few days later we went on our first date; however, I was apprehensive about this venture because he was very different than anyone else I had ever dated.

On our first “official date” he joined me for dinner with my family and then we went out with his other friends to play pool. When the night came to a close he asked me how I felt for him and I told him that he was just not my “type”. He was a very nice guy, but he was not the “typical guy” I dated. He was very upset when I said this to him. A tear actually came to his eye and he said “but I am going to marry you”. I was set aback by this. I honestly thought he was crazy at this point. As our class progressed I still talked to him and in time he persuaded me to go on a second date with him. The rest of the story is history. I realized that even if he wasn’t the typical guy I dated, that did not mean that the he was not the right man for me. If I was not open minded I may have completely dismissed him and made the greatest mistake of my life.

After I relayed my story to the woman she said the story of her and her fiancé was very similar. Her next statement really stuck with me: “It is interesting that the person you think you want may not be the person you need.” Since this discussion I cannot get her statement out of my mind because my husband was not the one I thought that I wanted, but he is the only one I could ever imagine being with – he is the one I need!

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her Ephesians 5:25

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