Communication, communication, communication

Young coupleCommunication, communication, communication. Communication is essential in all relationships, whether they be professional or personal in nature. When communication is lacking, the relationship may become brittle. Your marriage is one of the most (if not the most) precious relationships that you will have in your life. The relationship needs to be continually nurtured in order for it to thrive.

I have learned that with communication it is not only what you say, it is how the information or message is presented. I have become very frustrated when a message I was trying to communicate becomes misconstrued. Sometimes when this happens it creates a problem when one was not even present. Other times I have actually made a small issue into large issue due to presenting the information in the wrong manner. I have learned that before I speak I need to think through what I am saying so that I avoid any complications during the communication process.

Communication is a two way street. It is not only important for you to effectively communicate your wants and needs to your spouse, it is also important that you afford your spouse the opportunity to communicate his/her wants and needs with you. You need to listen to what is said, even if it is not what you want to hear. If your spouse shares something that you do not want to hear just remember it is important that conversations be had sooner rather than later in order to avoid festering.

All relationships take work. For your relationship to thrive, being proactive in terms of the work is much better than reactive when unfavorable situations arise.

The mouth of the righteous utters wisdom, and his tongue speaks justice. Psalm 37:30

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