The 5K

Dr. Gina Stafford 5K
I was looking at everyone around me and all I saw was “experience”, preparation, and expensive brand-name running sneakers. I heard a cannon blast and everyone began running. Miraculously I was running with them. I an not a runner. I never run. Even if I consider myself physically fit, running has not been my exercise of choice. It could be because I remember how uncomfortable I was in PE when we had to run the mile. I could never run and came in last place. I essentially walked the whole distance. It was pretty embarrassing.

Now I am running. Wow, growing up I never would have thought that I would participate in a 5K. This was my first race. I was just doing this blindly. I did not think about the race too much before that day, and definitely did not prepare. Even before the race everyone was stretching and preparing and I was just looking around and listening to music.

When the race started I started strong, but inevitably I had to walk quite a bit because I was having a hard time breathing. It did not help that I had a mild chest cold that day as well, but I was determined to run cold or no cold. During the entire run I thought about PE the whole time (where I grew up you took PE every day from grade 6-12). I just could not get it out of my head. I found this very interesting because I never think about PE. My thoughts of PE motivated me. I had no expectation of winning any metals in the race, but I just did not want to come in last place.

I had many pass me, both older and younger. This discouraged me because a bit, but I knew that these people probably practice and have endurance and I essentially have none. Close to the end of the race I did gain the strength and motivation to run a bit more and I did pass a few people as well. As I approached the finish line I made sure I was running. As much as it hurt I did not want to cross the finish walking. It felt so good when I passed the line. All I could think was: “I was done” and “I was not last”. My finishing time was 40:37.7. I finished 108 out of 135. And I finished 8 out of 10 in my age group. I did it!!!! I did something that I never thought that I would or could do!!!!

In everything he did he had great success, because the LORD was with him (1 Samuel 18:14).

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