No Regrets

no regretsIt is strange and often sad that individuals fail to see what is around them, or sometimes they do not want to know what is around them, until something drastic happens. Take the earthquake in Haiti for example; there has been hunger, disease, and extreme poverty in Haiti for decades; however, it wasn’t until the earthquake that people paid attention to what was going on in Haiti or even simply outside of their community. If there was any good brought from the earthquake is that it heightened awareness of global conditions for people.

Now that it has been a few years since the earthquake occurred is anyone still paying attention? Have those who were once aware no longer seeing past their “inner circle”? I bring the earthquake in Haiti up in a blog about marriage and family because I believe that many people have a lack of awareness of what is right in front of them, a lack of awareness of what they have. Above when I spoke of individuals I was including myself. I often have found myself lacking awareness and taking things for granted. My husband on the other hand is completely different. I have never met someone that truly cherishes everything and everyone around him. He tells and shows me and my boys regularly how much we mean to him. I admire this and have learned the importance of expressing myself from him.

When I have asked my husband why he is so open with us, and why he frequently tells us how much he loves us, he has replied: “You never know what tomorrow will bring. I do not want to ever think that you or the boys did not know how much I cherish you, love you, and appreciate you”. I have to say that I am one of the luckiest women in the world because every day I do feel cherished, loved, and appreciated. Have you told and shown the ones you love how you feel about them? Remember, no regrets!

Let all that you do be done in love (1 Corinthians 16:14).

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