Marriage & Weight Loss

Gina_RockyMarriage requires a great deal of commitment. If you are about to get married, but are not completely sure that you will be able to commit yourself 100% to the marriage than you need to wait before you take the plunge. Marriage is not something to take lightly – it requires continuous work.

In a previous article I mentioned that I lost a significant amount of weight. Everyone always asks me how I did it. Honestly there was no magic diet. My last weight loss attempt was just significantly different than all the others.

I dieted my whole life. I remember my first diet vividly (which is strange because I went on this diet when I was only in fourth grade). I celebrated two successes with every diet I tried:

  • First Success: Weight Loss – I was pretty good at losing weight. I lost weight on every diet I attempted. Several times I even reached my target weight.
  • Second Success: Weight Gain – I successfully gained every pound back (sometimes I even gained more weight than I lost).

I was sick of having two successes every time I went on a diet – it was honestly exhausting. The difference between my last weight loss attempt and the previous attempts is commitment. This time I was ready to commit.

I began this article talking about marriage because prior to beginning my weight loss journey I felt the same way I felt prior to getting married. I knew that I was about to embark on a lifelong journey that required continuous work. This time I realized that once this journey began my life would (and could) never be the same if I wanted to lose weight and keep it off.

The reason people yo-yo diet is because they do not make a complete change. They follow a diet and when the weight is lost they go back to their previous eating patterns and inevitably gain the weight back. These individuals were not ready to make a life-long commitment to sustain their new weight. If you struggle with your weight and reflect back on unsuccessful diets you will probably realize that at the time you were not ready to commit.

I have been at my target weight for several years now and I have to tell you that maintaining weight is continuous work (like marriage). My weight loss journey did not end when the weight was gone – it just begun!

Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established (Proverbs 16:3).

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