Don’t Hide

Young coupleHave you ever hid your true feelings because you wanted to spare someone’s feelings or in attempt to avoid pain? I know I have. Open and honest communication has always been difficult for me. If you know me personally, especially in a professional atmosphere, you might not believe what you are reading. In a professional environment I have no fear of sharing information and opinions, but in my personal life, specifically when communicating with my husband, the walls go up. It is funny because I never realized that I did this until recently.

Sometimes I think about things and do not know the extent to which it bothers me until my husband actually points it out to me (I find it pretty funny that my husband knows that there is something bothering me before I do). At one point in my relationship I was doing this so often that it was impacting our relationship. By the time my husband coaxed me into telling him what was wrong, my thoughts had festered and a simple concern turned into a huge problem.

It has taken time but I have learned to share my thoughts with my husband more freely. Even when something insignificant bothers me I share my concerns with my husband immediately. By sharing my thoughts sooner rather than later my marriage has become stronger and problems that may have arisen due to the lack of, or late, communication have been eliminated. Don’t be afraid to share.

But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased (Hebrews 13:16).

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