Believing In God Does Not Make You Stupid

Leche-1-2eI recently came across a Facebook Page titled “Not Sure if Stupid, Or Just Christian”. This site was developed by atheists for atheists. If a group of people do not want to believe in the Lord that is their prerogative. I am not in the position to pass judgment on others (that judgment will come from beings mightier than me); however, I do not like the fact that they are attacking Christians. Being anti-Christian and being atheist are not one in the same.  Why is there this attack on Christianity?

This page contains many quotes that ridicule Christians. One of the quotes on the page is “Our ignorance is God; what we know is Science” – Robert Ingersoll.  Faith in the Lord does not mean that things such as global warming aren’t happening.  Everything is interconnected. Science and religion go hand and hand.

Every detail in the bible should not be taken literally. When the bible describes the creation of the world in seven days , how do we know how long a “day” was. The seven days could in fact be phases of development.  Each day could have represented years in today’s time. Honestly no one, not even experts will ever know because we were not there. Also, we always need to remember that the individuals who contributed to the Bible were not recording events as they were happening. They were writing based upon their recollection and/or based on what has been passed down to them.

I find it very sad that individuals find joy out of attacking other groups of people. I know there is free speech; however, I wish that sites such as the one noted above were not so easily accessible for children to see.

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands (Psalms 19:1).

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