Back to School

Mother hugging her daughter by school busIf I reflect back on my childhood, I can remember numerous first days of school. I remember I was excited because I was going to be in a new class, I had new stuff, and I knew that “this year” was going to be great. Not all of my friends have had the same reaction when the first day of school approached. I remember several of them being nonchalant about the whole situation, and I had other friends who actually threw up the night before the first day of school every year. As a mother I utilize these memories to try to empathize with how my children feel at this time of year.


As the first day of school approaches every year my children seem to be excited. Because I do not want the excitement to turn into anxiety or fear I try to make school preparation fun for them.  I do not simply collect the school supply lists and go out and purchase what they need. I actually have my kids play an active role in the purchasing of supplies. Having my children be active participant in the school preparation process seems to make them more excited.


With four children buying and organizing school supplies can get a bit hectic. To streamline the process we make two lists for each child. The first list is for their personal school supplies (back pack, pencils, glue, etc.). The second the list is for classroom supplies (tissues, sanitizer, etc.). An item does not “officially” get checked off our lists until it is purchased and put in either the book bag or the classroom supply bag. When all items are checked off of each list my sons feel a sense of accomplishment and are even more excited to start school and use their new supplies.


Doing simple things such as actively including my children in the back-to-school preparation process makes the experience memorable for them.  If I remember my first days of school, they most likely will remember theirs as well, and I want their memories to be positive.

Train up a child in the way he should go, Even when he is old he will not depart from it. (Proverbs 22:6)

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