Our Mini-Vacation

JimGinaLast week was a normal week. There were no birthdays, holidays, or celebrations coming up. I was going about life as normal until Thursday night when my husband told me that he arranged for us to go on a mini vacation. He advised me that he booked a baby sitter and a pet sitter and we were going to go to an undisclosed location from Saturday until Sunday.

I was in shock and was nervous because I never left all four of my children with someone else before. My husband and have not gone away together in over five years. Because of work, children, pets, and money there were always a reason not to go.

He did not tell me where we were going until we were on the way. He was so creative and picked a place I never visited before. It was amazing because we only were 45 minutes away from home. It was far enough (and foreign enough) to feel like we were truly on a vacation, but close enough so that if there was an emergency we could get back to the children pretty quickly. The close proximity also made the trip very economical. The whole vacation only cost us about $150-$200.

We had a great time exploring the foreign city. We were able to talk and strengthen our bond. We thoroughly enjoyed all of the peace and quiet we had, but I do have to admit that it felt somewhat awkward having limited noise for 24-hours.

Although our day went by fast it was well worth it. My husband did such a wonderful job planning. His attention to detail minimized the amount of anxiety I had leaving my kids for a night. Even if it was only one night, it was our night. I feel so blessed!

Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love (Ephesians 4:2).

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