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5 Ways to Improve Your Marriage Today (Video Post)

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Saying “I Love You”

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“I love you” – these three words are very powerful. Many people believe that when these words are first said it is indicative of a milestone in a relationship. Shortly after I met my husband “I love you’s” were exchanged. Throughout my marriage my husband has continued to tell me that he loves me at […]

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‘Til Death Do Us Part

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According to a study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (2012) the probability of a first marriage reaching its 20th anniversary was 52% for women and 56% for men in 2006-2010. This statistic shocked me; however, after reading this information I reflected back on a conversation I had approximately seven years ago with […]

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The Grass Really Isn’t Greener

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When we are not getting our needs met at home we sometimes look at other relationships to fill the void. I have had friends who were in unhappy relationships admit that they were jealous of the relationship that I have with my husband. There have been several that have attempted to break us apart. As […]

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