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A Wedding Lasts a Day – A Marriage Lasts A Lifetime

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One of the women who work in my office is going to get married in one week. Although she has not discussed the details of her wedding as much as other brides I have known in the past, I know that she has put many long hours in to ensure her wedding day is perfect.  […]

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Does Work Ever End?

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It really bothers me when my husband looks at his phone constantly when we are together. What can be so important that he has to direct all of his attention to his phone? In many instances he is doing something involving work, but when does work end? Today there is this notion that work never […]

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Our Mini-Vacation

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Last week was a normal week. There were no birthdays, holidays, or celebrations coming up. I was going about life as normal until Thursday night when my husband told me that he arranged for us to go on a mini vacation. He advised me that he booked a baby sitter and a pet sitter and […]

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Thanks Grandma!!!!!!!!

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When you are married you often reflect back on your observations of other married people to determine if things are “normal” or what you should do in certain situations. Unfortunately not all of us have had healthy relationships as examples. My parents did not have a healthy marriage and their marriage did end in divorce […]

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Talk to your kids every day!

Even if our lives might be hectic, we have to make talking to our children a priority! Please like & share:

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Three Reasons To Go To Church Every Weekend

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1.    Sense of Community – McMillan & Chavis (1986) define sense of community as “a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together.” Going to church provides families with […]

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Is the Past The Past?

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It is ignorant to walk into a relationship thinking that the past will not impact the present or the future. Before you met your spouse you led two completely separate lives. All of the experiences you had impact who you are today. Some of these experiences have made you stronger, but others may be an […]

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Three Ingredients of Marriage

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The Happily Ever After Mindset is self-indulgent and foolish. Everyone makes mistakes, everyone falls, and everyone stumbles. It is important that when we go into a marriage we understand this. There are three ingredients to marriage: faith, hope, and love. The greatest of the three ingredients is love. Love: To love someone is to trust […]

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Dealing with the Diagnosis

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When my first two sons were three and one years old my husband and I received the diagnosis that my oldest son had autism. As parents we were initially crushed. We went through a period of disbelief and were depressed. I did not understand how this could happen to “my son”. We had another son […]

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