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Three Reasons To Go To Church Every Weekend

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1.    Sense of Community – McMillan & Chavis (1986) define sense of community as “a feeling that members have of belonging, a feeling that members matter to one another and to the group, and a shared faith that members’ needs will be met through their commitment to be together.” Going to church provides families with […]

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Dealing with the Diagnosis

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When my first two sons were three and one years old my husband and I received the diagnosis that my oldest son had autism. As parents we were initially crushed. We went through a period of disbelief and were depressed. I did not understand how this could happen to “my son”. We had another son […]

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Giving Is Not Only Monetary

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One night when our family was out for our nightly walk we came across a car that was having trouble at the intersection. My husband told me that he would catch up with us as he headed towards the car. We continued to walk and inevitably he caught back up with us. His return resulted […]

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New Year’s Resolutions

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Over dinner the topic of New Year’s Resolutions surfaced with my children. Traditional resolutions usually are losing weight, beginning to exercise, or quitting something (such as smoking). I can only remember a handful of resolutions I made and I honestly lost interest in them quite rapidly. Before this year I never discussed New Year’s Resolutions […]

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The Blame Game

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One day my son came home with a bad grade on his test. He blamed his teacher…. In the last decade our society has turned to the court system to solve disputes. In some instances bringing a situation to the courts is the appropriate recourse if the dispute could not be settled by utilizing other […]

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