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Thanks Grandma!!!!!!!!

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When you are married you often reflect back on your observations of other married people to determine if things are “normal” or what you should do in certain situations. Unfortunately not all of us have had healthy relationships as examples. My parents did not have a healthy marriage and their marriage did end in divorce […]

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Autism and Vaccines

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Since the recent outbreak of the measles throughout the US, the topic of autism and vaccinations has surfaced. As a parent who has three children with autism, I felt I would be remiss if I did not share my experiences or opinion on the topic. When my oldest son was diagnosed with autism I could […]

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Dealing with the Diagnosis

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When my first two sons were three and one years old my husband and I received the diagnosis that my oldest son had autism. As parents we were initially crushed. We went through a period of disbelief and were depressed. I did not understand how this could happen to “my son”. We had another son […]

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Giving Is Not Only Monetary

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One night when our family was out for our nightly walk we came across a car that was having trouble at the intersection. My husband told me that he would catch up with us as he headed towards the car. We continued to walk and inevitably he caught back up with us. His return resulted […]

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Pope Francis’ suggested New Year’s resolutions

When Pope Francis met before Christmas with Vatican employees, mostly lay people with families, he asked them to do 10 things. The list sounded remarkably like suggestions for New Year’s resolutions: Click on the link to read more… Please like & share:

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