Three Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Received Prior to Getting Married

Author Archives: admin

Three Pieces of Advice I Wish I Had Received Prior to Getting Married

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1.    You are a “we” not a “me” You cannot make decisions independently anymore. Your life decisions can and will impact your spouse. If you do not learn this fairly quickly it could impact the stability of your relationship. 2.    Just because he is your husband does not mean he is perfect Remember that both […]

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Diagnosed with Autism

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During Autism Awareness Month, I would be remiss if I did not share a bit about the diagnosis of autism. It is amazing how prevalent this disorder is becoming. When my first son was born twelve years ago I did not know much about autism. I knew of autism, and actually even worked with adults […]

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No Regrets

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It is strange and often sad that individuals fail to see what is around them, or sometimes they do not want to know what is around them, until something drastic happens. Take the earthquake in Haiti for example; there has been hunger, disease, and extreme poverty in Haiti for decades; however, it wasn’t until the […]

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Marriage & Weight Loss

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Marriage requires a great deal of commitment. If you are about to get married, but are not completely sure that you will be able to commit yourself 100% to the marriage than you need to wait before you take the plunge. Marriage is not something to take lightly – it requires continuous work. In a […]

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Sheltering Special Needs Kids

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My husband and I have four beautiful boys. Our sons are 11, 9, and we have 5-year-old twins. Our four sons are smart, very energetic, love to laugh, and are very polite. Three of them also have autism. Last month my husband went to a meeting at school for one of the twins. My husband […]

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Believing In God Does Not Make You Stupid

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I recently came across a Facebook Page titled “Not Sure if Stupid, Or Just Christian”. This site was developed by atheists for atheists. If a group of people do not want to believe in the Lord that is their prerogative. I am not in the position to pass judgment on others (that judgment will come […]

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Nickelodeon Suites Resort in Orlando, Florida

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We are starting a review section of the site because we wanted to share our experience with travel, products, and services. Our first Marital Minutes Review is of the Nickelodeon Suites Resort in Orlando, Florida. We will be rating each category on a scale of 1 to 4 hearts with 1 heart being poor and […]

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Don’t Hide

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Have you ever hid your true feelings because you wanted to spare someone’s feelings or in attempt to avoid pain? I know I have. Open and honest communication has always been difficult for me. If you know me personally, especially in a professional atmosphere, you might not believe what you are reading. In a professional […]

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A Wedding Lasts a Day – A Marriage Lasts A Lifetime

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One of the women who work in my office is going to get married in one week. Although she has not discussed the details of her wedding as much as other brides I have known in the past, I know that she has put many long hours in to ensure her wedding day is perfect.  […]

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