Monthly Archives: January 2015

Sad News Notebook author separates from wife of 25 years…

Nicholas Sparks best-selling author and screenwriter has separated from his wife of 25 years, Cathy. Sparks, 49.Sparksis the author of Best Selling Novels “The Notebook” and “The Wedding,” The news of his separation was first reported by People magazine click here to read the article.   Please like & share:

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‘Til Death Do Us Part

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According to a study conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics (2012) the probability of a first marriage reaching its 20th anniversary was 52% for women and 56% for men in 2006-2010. This statistic shocked me; however, after reading this information I reflected back on a conversation I had approximately seven years ago with […]

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The Grass Really Isn’t Greener

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When we are not getting our needs met at home we sometimes look at other relationships to fill the void. I have had friends who were in unhappy relationships admit that they were jealous of the relationship that I have with my husband. There have been several that have attempted to break us apart. As […]

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Pope Francis’ suggested New Year’s resolutions

When Pope Francis met before Christmas with Vatican employees, mostly lay people with families, he asked them to do 10 things. The list sounded remarkably like suggestions for New Year’s resolutions: Click on the link to read more… Please like & share:

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New Year’s Resolutions

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Over dinner the topic of New Year’s Resolutions surfaced with my children. Traditional resolutions usually are losing weight, beginning to exercise, or quitting something (such as smoking). I can only remember a handful of resolutions I made and I honestly lost interest in them quite rapidly. Before this year I never discussed New Year’s Resolutions […]

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The Blame Game

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One day my son came home with a bad grade on his test. He blamed his teacher…. In the last decade our society has turned to the court system to solve disputes. In some instances bringing a situation to the courts is the appropriate recourse if the dispute could not be settled by utilizing other […]

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