The Grass Really Isn’t Greener

Green GrassWhen we are not getting our needs met at home we sometimes look at other relationships to fill the void. I have had friends who were in unhappy relationships admit that they were jealous of the relationship that I have with my husband. There have been several that have attempted to break us apart.

As a teenager I remember having similar feelings when looking upon a happy couple. When seeing them I remember wishing that I was “that girl” and had “that guy” or “that relationship”. I also remember that my jealousy lead to resentment.

Luckily when I had that experience I was merely a teenager and not in serious relationship. When you are married the stakes are even higher and those kinds of thoughts can not only lead to resentment of others, but also resentment of your own spouse.  If you feel as if there is a void in your relationship, or that your relationship is not all that you imagined that it would be, communication is your best recourse.
Instead of looking outside of your marriage for a solution, you need to look within it. It is important to clearly express to your partner what you want from your marriage. Marriage is a lifelong commitment, and like anything in life it takes work to be successful. Looking for a fast fix is never the right choice.

You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, or his male servant, or his female servant, or his ox, or his donkey, or anything that is your neighbor’s (Exodus 20:17)

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