Thanks Grandma!!!!!!!!

GrandmaWhen you are married you often reflect back on your observations of other married people to determine if things are “normal” or what you should do in certain situations. Unfortunately not all of us have had healthy relationships as examples. My parents did not have a healthy marriage and their marriage did end in divorce (I will have to admit that neither my mother or father put in the effort to save the marriage). The only other people that were close to me that had a decent relationship were my grandparents.

Throughout my childhood my grandmother was the person who gave me strength. She had a horrible childhood herself. Her mother died when she was six. After her mother’s death, her grandmother moved in with her and her father to help raise her, but she ended up severely abusing her (emotionally and physically). Her father was oblivious to the abuse because he spent long hours trying to start a business. Most of her childhood was spent living in poverty.

Despite adversity my grandmother was so strong. She did not let the unfavorable circumstances she faced growing up impact her negatively. She never forgot her mother or her grandmother (she actually mentioned them all the time), but she used the pain caused by her mother’s death and her grandmother’s abuse to make her stronger.

I always did admire her dealings with my grandfather. I loved my grandfather dearly, but I could never have married him – he would have driven me crazy! She always had an interesting perspective of the world and she was so strong. Not much bothered my grandmother. When I get frustrated or aggravated I think about my grandmother and how she coped and it assists me in moving forward.

I am sharing the story of my grandmother with you not to bring you down or make you feel sappy. I am sharing this with you so that you reflect on your life and find someone who can be your example (not only a non-example). I learn an enormous amount through reflecting – I know it could help you too!!!!

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing” (1 Thessalonians 5:11).

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